Another Survey
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I blame this one on her. All her fault. Really.

PART ONE: The Basics


1. What's the third letter in your name? x

2. What's the worst band you ever saw live? silverchair, 'cos I didn't get to LISTEN to them, thank you Tom and co.

3. What's the name of a good chinese place in your area? Happy Garden

4. What's on your feet right now? a band-aid. cut my foot.


1. Brady Bunch or Partridge Family? Which do I shoot first? The singing ones.

2. Johnny Rotten or Sid Vicious? Vicious... I just like the sound of that.

3. Batman or Superman? Batman.

4. Elvis or James Brown? James Brown.

5. Beatles or Rolling Stones? Rolling Stones.


1. How tall are you? 5'8"

2. How many times did you sneeze today? four so far

3. How do you do? ...what it is that I do... thank you, Al-X.

4. How does the last book you read end? Messily. Lots of printing ink.


1. Will you have kids? Again? Willingly? Prob'ly not.

2. Will this be your last journal entry for some odd weeks? Oh HELL no.

4. Will you enjoy the company of someone much older than you? Yep.


1. What was your screen name in... fifth grade: Killashandra. Don't laugh. sixth grade: Jax eighth grade: Kajira Jax, KJ, Jax Raven

2. What is your favorite journal to read? Give us a link!

3. When you look at yourself in the mirror, you say, "_______!" Not a damned thing, generally. Or "where the hell is my hairbrush".

4. Describe the how the music of your favorite band makes you feel. Depending on what mood I started from, either aroused, depressed, hungry, or hopeful.

5. Surveys are the best tool for procrastination! What should YOU be doing right now? Getting ready to go to a live-action Vampire game. I am such a geek.

6. What do you do while on the toilet? Other than the obvious... read.

PART TWO: Entertainment and fashion

9. I saw a commercial about "guilty pleasure TV". What is the shitty show that you watch alone in your room, secretely pleasured, but if you're at a friends house you just suffer in silence as they channel surf right by it? The Home Shopping Network.

10. Name an item of clothing/accessory that you really regret wearing. Tell us a little anecdote. That damned pink fuzzy sweater my mom made me wear.

11. If you were a cartoon character, what would be your never-changing outfit? *grins* Think black leather, black silk, and nice thigh-high leather boots, maybe a cloak of some sort. I'd be a villain.

12. Whose clothing/style do you admire most? They can be famous! They can be not! Mike, the storyteller - style, definitely style.


6. What is the subject line of the best porn e-mail you've ever recieved? Something wherein they were going to make my cock bigger. *snickers*

7. Describe your fantasy sex partner. PartnerS. Plural. Cute, submissive, high-pain-tolerance and nice little whimpers, very obedient, very frightened, and very eager to please. Male or female is negotiable. Hair long enough to pull is NOT.

8. Leave your computer to go masturbate. Tell us what went through your mind. *purrs* More leather and cute-submissive-pets. Sorry, it's a habit.

9. Name a non-sexual activity that turns you on. Swimming.

10. Best CD to make sweet love to: One of my mix CDs, preferrably on random play.

11. Tell us about your love life. *chuckles* Go read the rest of the journal.

I have no idea where 12 and 13 went.

PART FOUR: Your nonexistent social life

14. Hypothetically, you are at a party. Drunken uglies heft you up onto a table and start chanting "TURN A TRICK! TURN A TRICK!" What do you do? Announce that I'm not drunk enough, hop down, and steal someone's drink. Repeat until I AM drunk enough.

15. A girl comes up to you. She has huge eyes and a very small nose and is wearing a dress that poofs out at the bottom, like the little girls in Disney movies. Her eyes are very shiny. She's fifteen. Are you attracted to her? *inno*

16. A boy with a face so that you can see the details of his skull through his skin is standing on the street. He is wearing tight 60sish jeans and has short hair that he cut himself. He is smoking a cigarette and has very green eyes. Are you attracted to him? This would be the point where I start acting like an utter moron. *grins* And suddenly wondering why kadin cut his hair and started smoking.

17. You are sitting in class one day when your teacher announces that there is a new student. Your perfect fantasy person walks in and is assigned to the seat right next to you. What's going on in your head? What the hell am I doing in school?

18. You are at a place full of people and you don't know anyone. What do you do to keep from being bored/awkward? Either a good book, a good conversation with a stranger, or seeing how many things I can light on fire before people notice.

19. Preferred method of suicide? Combination of knife, pills, and fire. Assorted options here, I go with whichever sounds most amusing at the time.

PART FIVE: The past

20. The best part of fifth grade was: Vegeburgers.

21. The worst part of seventh grade was: Erm... I'm with Kirsten on this. Whole damned thing. Seventh grade sucked.

22. The best part of sixth grade was: The gambling ring I started.

23. The worst part of eighth grade was: Loosing a friend.

PART SIX: Murder

24. Name a person that annoys you. Brandi.

25. Describe their brutal murder. Hehehe... no. Then they'd know it was me when I did it.

26. Name a person you like. Kadin.

Think about THEIR brutal murder. Picture it vividly in your head. Then write a few words about it. *purrs softly* He'd die quite beautifully. And thank me for it every second he had left alive, if I wished it. Which is why I would never do it. If someone else did... I would hunt them, their family, their friends, everyone who had ever even associated with them, down. NO ONE touches my boys, NO ONE harms them. *grins* 'cept me.

28. Favorite serial killer? *chuckles* The one in Hackers.

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