Yes, I'm Angry
Previous - this entry written on June 07, 2003 at 11:16 pm - Next

If she cuts any deeper I'm going to backhand the bitch and toss her the FUCK out of the room. There's nothing f'ing wrong, she says, but she's crying and whimpering and pouting and sulking and making sure that Ryan's every thought involves comforting her, reassuring her, turning himself inside-out and upside-down. She likes the collar, likes it a LOT, but not for any useful reasons. She sees it as an engagement ring, something that gives her more control over him than he has over her.

She's starting to get on my nerves again.

I like Ryan when he's feral. I like him when he's submissive. I like him posessive, deranged, amused, sobbing... but dammit, I will NOT have him turned into a sweet little PC boy who is only fierce and dominant when he thinks his 'subbie' wants him to be.

Fuck this.

Sore, haven't been getting enough sleep, can't fucking get anything DONE without demanding, shrieking, forcing, ordering... not going to let that continue either.

I have things to do, I have things I want and need, and by all that's holy - or unholy, for that matter - I'm TIRED OF WASTING MY TIME.

*shakes her head*

This would be the point where I realize that being kind and sweet and accepting and encouraging is only going to get ME fucked over. How do I know? Among other things, my vibrator, the ONLY one I have at this point, has a couple of cracks in the case and is made of hard plastic. If anything icky gets stuck in there it can and WILL end up in my vagina. Now mind you, when it's my juices in question, not so much of a problem. When it's someone else's shit?

Err... no. There's an issue there.

And I'll be damned if I politely sleep through anything else.

"You can move now." Does she? Barely, arguing, obviously doing it only because she'd more or less intended to do so already.

I'm not coping with this.

I'm currently playing "Costume For A Gutterball" quite loudly, and I've no intentions of turning it down. The stupid cunt isn't doing ANYTHING to reassure Ryan, to explain, she barely even looks his way until he goes all apologetic.


Fuck this.

It still hurts to talk. "The Italian Job" isn't half-bad as far as such movies go, really. I'm coughing again, going to take meds soon, and goddammit do I have to literally kick people out the fucking door?

Right now I'm seriously debating the sort of conversation that WILL end with someone other than me in tears. It's sounding rather fun, actually. I can't see any particular reason NOT to.

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