Day's Dawning
Previous - this entry written on October 13, 2003 at 9:07 pm - Next

So I'm dancing now, depression fading as the room warms and the techno pulls me back out of the agonypit I'd managed to sink into. Ehh, but I'd love to take some steel wool to whatever part of my mind decides to go spelunking every now and then, it's very rude.

Becca, who arrived at about the same time I finished posting my entry, is off getting Ryan. I just edited the playlist to be damn near techno-only and am updating while I stare rather curiously at the bottle of green. Becca's going to ask Ryan if they can stop at a store and pick up some more meds for her and I both, but if he decides not to, I'm going to be self-medicating tonight instead. *wry grin* No, although there IS a rather extensive reason for same, I'm not out-of-it enough to feel like elaborating just at the moment. I'm listening to 'Disease' by Matchbox 20 and finding it at least somewhat appropriate as well as rather rhythmically pleasing.

The breaker for this section of the house (the bathroom, Bink's room, and my/Ryan's room) blew a few minutes ago, WHILE I was in the bathroom, and I've already reset both the clock and the alarm setting, gotten the computer back up, the heater back on, and drunk a fair bit of water. I know, it's not even a rational thing to feel productive about, but... yeah. Today I'm taking what I can get. I want to dance.

Let me explain, or re-explain: I want to Dance. I want to lose myself so completely in the music for a while that I can see the universe and possibly make sense of the earlier half of this day. There's a few things that didn't get written down that are still rattling around in my head and I'd really like to sort through them in some state other than my current once, mostly because my current state doesn't seem to be doing me a damned bit of good thought-wise.

'Course, it IS damned nice not to be staring into a darkened and demented nothing. I prefer the bright pulse and the life the comes with music, at least right now. I'd rather not spend the evening fighting back shadows if I don't have to.

If I could get it to work often enough and long enough, I'd be diving back into Furc... last time (read: two minutes or so ago) that I tried to load the page to download it the damned thing Would Not Load. I have no idea how it decides what to let through and what not, but it's also not letting me check my email, so Bah.

I'm going to wrap this up and post, I guess... 'Pure Morning' and I are going to see if any of the webcomics are functional.

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