Updated Shadow Tarot Card List
Previous - this entry written on December 17, 2005 at 1:08 pm - Next
Whee! The currently-completed Shadow Tarot cards - yes, these are entirely original, sharing some similarities with some of the tarot cards in standard decks but definitely not the same.
One - The Traveler Two - The Puppets Three - The Performer Four - The Patient Student Five - The Vortex Six - The Gatekeeper Seven - The First Kiss Eight - The Initiate Nine - Forbidden Love Ten - Enchanter's Overflow Eleven - The Inheritor Twelve - The Runaway Thirteen - The Thief Fourteen - The Siren
Sixteen - The Mermaid Seventeen - Dreamer's Tears
Twenty One - The Biting Fairy Twenty Two - The Dryad's Game
Card Backs
No, I'm not creating them in numerical order; I just make each card as the idea hits and the stock I look at suggests a good way to illustrate it, and number 'em based on what number looks best with that particular card design. When I'm done with the deck I intend to set up a complete set of .pdf or whatever files, zipped into one file, for free downloading - anyone who wants their own copy of the deck can download it, take it to your local printer's, and print the cards out on decent cardstock. I'll also include a file containing the definitions, designed to be printed on standard size paper, which can then be folded and stapled to make a nifty little booklet to go with the cards. Yay!
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