Dammit, sheep.
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No sleep yet, WTF? Stupid stabbity uterine pain, stupid leg cramps of frolicky doom, stupid lack of financial papery things and shiny cointype things, stupid insomnia, stupid mouse worries, stupid upset tummy, VERY stupid and completely pointless desire to call teh nice doctorman and ask him to refill my vicodin just a leetle bit early because of the uberpain. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Dunno when I last slept. I know I ate something, I must have. Hot dogs, I think. And donuts, Caleb got donuts. Oh, and a LOT of popsicles. Sugar, not much else, basically. At least one of the babymice is still alive - I put a bit more water in the cage and a piece of the donut I forgot was left and the mice nibbled. I have six comets on Katamari. I want to be wealthy and although there are lots of reasons for this desire the three main ones are as follows: moving back to Portland with all the goodness that involves such as friends close by and a functional shower and sane weather... a constant supply of whatever food my tummy actually wants, when it wants it, as well as beverages... and drugs. *sigh* I am, I think, supposed to go back in to the clinic in a few days to have a checkup. If there will be a fee, I can't, unless I can get ahold of my parents and wheedle money out of them, which so far, no luck at all. We desperately need clean towels. I have a scrip in the computer system for lunesta... but it is too expensive, I can't get it. I wanted to try it, see if it would be less... drastic... than amatryptaline.Dunno. Hurting. Tired. Itching. Can't sleep.
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