Amazing how quickly a good solid OWW wipes the mind clean.
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So I've been thinking about reincarnation. Mostly the 'my GOD can anyone be this stupid' sort of beliefs thereon - see link above for full details and a good laugh - but... meh. Anyone who has known me well or for long knows that I DO believe in a form of reincarnation. It doesn't precisely line up with the more traditional Eastern beliefs on the subject, and I certainly HOPE it doesn't fall in with some of the weirder New Agers wandering around claiming to be Cleopatra (on a side note, why Cleopatra? I swear, she's like the most popular 'thing to be reincarnated from' for women - and some men - and it drives me NUTS). But courtesy of some odd experiences and meeting some people who are even odder than I am... yeah. I do believe it's possible to come back, occasionally even with a good chunk of your memory of one or more past lives intact. I believe there are a limited number of souls floating around, and if you've got one, odds are good it's second-hand....and I just ended up being Otherwise Occupied for about an hour and have completely lost track of my train of thought. If anyone happens to find it, please send it back my way. *mutters*
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