Sleepless In Los Angeles
Previous - this entry written on June 16, 2006 at 2:20 am - Next
So, for those of you not stuck on dial-up, I have officially brought you the funny. You may thank me now. Fox! I am also protesting Wonder Woman's removal from E3. This link ish teh vid thereof. *shrug*And. I know. Old news. Long dead. Just... ...please... ...if you live in the US... this. Puppy. Ryan. Nreshan. Nick. Angel. Caleb. Becca. BloodyScars. Sin. Megan. Vallie. Rob. Bug. Scott. Kenji. Candice. I know you'll see this entry eventually. Watch this. All of it. Please. I want to know what you think. I'm watching this tonight, and all I want to do is hide. The world will keep turning, no matter what the truth is. *another shrug* I... ehh. I'm not getting any sleep tonight. When 9/11 happened, I was blown away. Every day since then, things have gotten worse. Wag The Dog, folks. Old-ish movie. Go watch it, if you haven't. And as I asked before, watch this. I don't know where this country is headed or even what I'll wear tomorrow. I can't predict the future. All I can say is that Vendetta was a... rather timely piece, shall we say. So yeah. Enjoy the funny. But when you can, watch the serious. If you think they're wrong, let me know why. If you think they're right, let me know why. There's quite a few people I care about out there and even if it means a sleepless night for ya, I think it might be worth it. I'm gonna go watch Family Guy clips or something. Heinlein was a prophet. Oh, and I have some new gel pens. Yeah, it's one of those days. It's also 4:35; I started browsing videosift at 2:20. Yeah. Sleep? Not for me. I miss Portland a lot right now. LA... when the sun sets, everything stops. I really miss knowing there are other people nearby who are awake at this hour.
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