Yeah, this means I've updated Yet Again tonight.
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Heh. Just finished reading the fanfic story I linked earlier... or rather, re-reading it. It's one of my favorite fanfic pieces, and it comforts me every time, leaving me smiling and a bit teary-eyed, a happy ending and a well-written storyline that actually fit the characters as developed in the tv series.The router's being a bitch again and the laptop's plug-in modem is still off somewhere inconvenient, so I'm not on AIM or MSN; having it crash every few minutes just isn't useful, y'know? I'm a little bit tipsy too, and drugged up with darvocet, yay for artificial opiates. Oh, and if anyone has any links full of Interesting Things To Do When Bored, by all means, let me know. Boredom is still a frequent factor in my life. I really need to sit down sometime and figure out what the actual cycle of Diaryland updates is for me; I know there are times when I update often and times when I don't, times when my updates are mostly long and times when they arent, and I think it would help me quite a bit to figure out just what the cycles ARE, so I can start anticipating them and possibly evening them out to where I have decent-length interesting updates all the time.
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