Shortness as I'm melting too much to want to keep trying to type...
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Meh.Puppy, I'm starting to worry again. You're doing worse than usual with that whole 'keeping in touch' thing and while I'm sure it's still just business and feeling icky, it would still be a Good Thing if you would manage to find your computer long enough to send the email that I have been asking for over the last two weeks and change. While what connection we do have is quite lovely, you know me. I'm not satisfied with dreaming. Torian, I got the numbers; it's insanely hot here, nearly as bad as California, so the laptop has been staying turned off and I don't know when I'll get the chance to hop onto messenger to doublecheck times. At this rate, I may just call At Random and hope to get you. *wry grin* IN OTHER NEWS! ...we may, I stress that we are NOT certain yet, but we MAY be moving back up here at the end of this month! More details will follow tomorrow evening, hopefully.
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