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So the household is really amazing right now. I'm fuzzing, barely able to type, but I have to get this down.Occupants: Jax, Kate, Rhia, Torian, Becca, Randy, and assorted hamsters, birds, and a snake. Jax: Female, domme, bisexual, furry polyamorous, pagan, geek. Kate: Transgendered, physically male, identifies as female, bisexual, submissive, pagan, geek. Rhia: Identifies as male, female, huuuuuggggeeee breasts that are the most amazing breasts in the world, bisexual, polyamorous, domme, furry, pagan, geek. Torian: Female, used to identify as male, submissive, bisexual, pagan, veryvery furry, foreign, tattooed, geek. Becca: Female, submissive, bisexual, pagan, tattooed, polyamorous, somewhat furry, geek. Randy: Male, submissive, wearing a skirt, polyamorous, bisexual, pagan, geek. .....................I am drowning in this wonderfulness. I have seen Nirvana and it has a lot of breasts. There is so much female energy that I am going to explode! hehehe. We're going to watch the MST3K version of Outlaws of Gor! More on this later.
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