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Home again, exhausted but having trouble falling asleep; Stupid Movie Time again, I think. Also Horrible Dry Mouth Time it seems, though it really shouldn't be, I've had plenty to drink and am not dehydrated. Ehh, I can use the liquid to take an amatryptaline or two, and thus be assured of sleep in a couple hours.Nutmeg is still a Free-Range Hamster for the moment; she's got a nice little nest behind the washing machine and a water dish under the table, and she seems quite content with this. Clove's still kinda spastic so I'm letting her have her privacy for a day or two more before putting Nutmeg back with her. Heh, Nutmeg smells like clean laundry, it's very cute. Umm... oh. Yes. PUPPY. Are you actively avoiding me? *prods* At least update so I know you're still alive even if you won't answer your phone.
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