Apology and A Polish Guy
Previous - this entry written on February 09, 2004 at 8:57 pm - Next

Every time I go down stairs - any stairs - instead of the usual one-foot-per-stair thing that normal people get to do, I have to put my right foot down on a stair, then put my left foot down on that same stair, repeat until I'm off the damn stairs. This is infinitely frustrating, I feel lame. In several senses of the word, yes.

I've got a check sitting here on the desk. It's not for the $250 I'd been hoping for, but every bit helps, neh? *sudden grin* This particular check (along with the next one, if/when it is handed over to me) are being tax-deductable for my folks. Effectively, I'm being paid to work on their computer, eventually, when I get down there for a few days.

I'm actually looking forward to it, amazingly. I miss the sound of surf. I miss the way the air tastes. I miss the fact that I can walk three blocks from my house, scream as loud as I want, and although people will always check to see if I'm ok, they won't freak, or call the cops. Laid back. Quiet. Particularly since it's not Tourist Season. *twitch* No, Tourist Season is NOT a good time to be at the coast, anywhere on the coast. You'll get overwhelmed by the mob of stupid people. Hell, they feed the freakin' seagulls. Now, for those of you who have NOT watched 'Finding Nemo' (why haven't you, it's a damn good movie, go see it, argh) let me explain:

Seagulls are BAD. They are stupid, vicious, and clumsy. They travel in flocks. If your kid starts to feed them a few pieces of whatever he or she is eating, then stops while he/she is still holding some, the seagulls will often attack the kid to get the food. Hell, if it's the tail end of tourist season when they've all forgotten how to get normal birdie-food, they will attack anyone holding food. *twitch* They have all the bad qualities associated with rats, and none of the good ones. Their feathers aren't even soft. They shit on everything, they are louder than you'd believe... yeah.

Seagulls are not my favorite bird, or animal, or ANYTHING. Spend a year on the coast and you'll start hating them too.

Fish, I'm updating because... well, honestly, because I'm bored. Nothing wants to work right. Trillian is only letting AIM connections through. Photoshop is being stubborn. Even email is making me twitch a bit. Dammit.


It's 9:00-ish... at least Ryan will be home soon. Maybe even Becca too, although I kinda doubt it since she's feeling sick.

Oh, point of note - part of her sickness is likely my fault, or at least encouraged by me. She was stressing over period problems and I pointed out that a large dose of birth control pills works as sort of a 'morning after' pill. Unfortunately, I'd gotten the info off a poster in the doctor's office and only went online long enough to verify that yes, multiple birth control pills will induce a period. However, while the paper on the office wall said take as many as you have in one month's supply (except the spacer pills), apparently you only need a week's worth and much more can lead to upsetness healthwise. Since she already had a stomach ache and a cold, this... yeah.

*sends her hugs*

So yeah, I feel EXTREMELY bad about that. *blinks* At least it'll remind me to be more careful when it comes to medications. Most things medical I'm fairly good about... but this... yeah. I shall be watching myself closely.

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