Unexpected Results From An Unasked Question
Previous - this entry written on November 23, 2003 at 6:25 pm - Next

Two things.

First, if you didn't go look at the freakin' baby names that I linked to on the comics list, you're missing out something major. This is right up there with bash.org. Serious... or not serious, depending. Think of it as oddgoogles for the Expecting Parent in you all.

Yes, I know that is not a comforting, or even useful, thought. Go look anyway, kk?

Second thing, brought on by looking at this post of Lady Chandra's, is something complicated involving the timing of certain announcements, the TYPE of said announcements, and in all honesty a bit of 'what the FUCK?' that I don't even have words for, just a really puzzled and kinda ticked look.

See, handfasting. NOT marriage legally, but if you're serious about it, just as binding. Most handfastings are for 'a year and a day' and are renewed each year. However, that renewal is often nothing more than you would find at a standard anniversary - it really is all about emotional bonds, not legal ones. A marriage, legal marriage? That's a similar step, again only as binding as the people in it mean it to be.

My views on both marriage and handfasting have cluttered up your screen often enough that I'm not really going to bother writing them up in depth, but I will say this:

My boys are MINE. The ONLY way that anyone, but ANYONE, gets handfasted or mated or married or owned by or anything else you can come up with is WITH MY APPROVAL...

...or not at all.

I've consented to Ryan laying claim to his little one because I believed it was understood that a) it was not just Ryan she was attaching to, and b) that she understood that any binding, any handfasting, ANYTHING of the sort, required both my participation AND my involvement during, if not before, the ceremony.

I know. This is coming out snappish, and likely over-thought as well as over-wrought. I also know that in a few days when she's again transportable and over here we'll talk, make sense of things, and so on.

Until then... geh. I would prefer it if grand announcements like the one she said she's about to give her parents would come AFTER a serious talk on the subject with Ryan and with myself.

I care for my boys. More than that - as long as I believe it's even remotely in their best interest as well as mine I will fight for them, beat them senseless, serve them, train them, KEEP them... this 'announcement'... yeah. Becca love, if you're going to do something that drastic, at least call first? Remember, your first urges are not necessarily going to be good ones.

This one... depending on how you phrase it, on what you do... this one might lead to some VERY bad results.

*shrugs slowly, padding off into the shadows, her thirst for communication (and drama) slaked somewhat by this post*

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