Part Two Of The Creation Rant
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...where were we? Ahh, yes. I'd just finished explaining a possible partial division of personae in my last entry (do read it first, please, or this one won't make as much sense, which isn't saying much) - keep in mind that the list I gave there was a partial list. Hrm... I'd better rehash it here... and I'll add a bit to it, too. 1: Base - arrogant, intelligent, somewhat masochistic yet dominant in temperment.
2: Second A - fully dominant, protective, caring.
3: Second B - fully submissive, masochistic, unashamed, innocent.
4: Child - hyper, young, vanilla, innocent.
5: Artist - daydreamer, depressed, creative, writer, designer.
6: Guard - submissive, provocative, intelligent.
7: Mouse - male, submissive, writer.
8: Wuss - sweet, polite, patient, tidy. Yes, one of my alts is male. Yes, that's still not the whole list, nor is it the current list... merely a sampling of some of the splits I've formed since I began consciously doing so. Now, shall we get back to the Actual Process? You've now got an index page. If you already know the names, feel free to put them in. I can hear you asking "But why would I want to NAME them?" and, because I am wonderful and just slightly bored, I will answer you. *amused* When you name an Alt, you give it what I tend to refer to as a 'button' or a 'trigger'. That button can be used to help bring the alt out again quickly and cleanly. The names can be anything, and can be chosen at any time; however, if you don't already have specific names, I suggest waiting a bit. You'll see why later on. Separation
Go through the list once more to make sure you haven't forgotten anything... then on the next few pages, put the short description and name (if you have one) of an alt at the top of each, one alt per two-sided page. Beneath this, list a few songs, scents, or items that you associate with the emotions and reactions and 'types' that make up that Alt, as you see him/her. The more THINGS you can find, the easier the next step will be. Don't worry if things overlap; alts can like the same songs, or both enjoy the smell of strawberries, or so forth. Once you've gone through and written up a few items and songs and fabrics and whatevers for each alt, pick one to start with. Gather up as many of those songs and so on as you can get, and find an hour or so of time when you are unlikely to be interrupted. Put the music on repeat, light the incense, whatever is necessary to set the mood. Get comfortable, and look inside your head. From here on in, it's imagination time: picture your mind as a huge old wooden trunk, or a complicated lock box, or a safe... some kind of box that can be closed, opened, and preferrably locked, too. Inside this box are all your memories, all your experiences, everything you like and dislike. You can reach in and pull something out... but instead of the Real Thing, what you have is a duplicate, an exact copy. Sitting beside the box is a small screen and keyboard attached to a projector-like device. This is your Imagination. Anything you type in is projected out, and can be brought out into the rest of your mind, as real as anything else in there. Now the fun begins. You get to create a box for your new Alt. The simplest option, of course, is a box just like the main one, with a nameplate on it... as you fill this new box, imagine the name coming into focus. You will likely see one there as soon as you create the box; if not, fill it first, then focus on a name. To fill the box, sort through your main box... what memories would this alt consider important? What likes and dislikes make him or her stand out? If there is something that is NOT part of your normal makeup that you want to add, that's what your imagination is for. Argh... dinner. I am a perpetually distracted Jax. There's more, and hopefully I will write it out later........... *goes off to eat dinner*

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