In Which our Hero Has A Bath
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I just got out of the tub.I wish I had words to describe how GOOD I feel right now. Relaxed... content... satiated... refreshed... clean... they all fall short. I've been reading sci-fi, and I grok it. *wry grin* If you don't know what I've been reading after that obvious hint, you don't read enough. Email me, I have a book to recommend to you. This... is a short entry. I'm considering a new diaryland theme... not sure yet. I have other things I should be working on. But this theme wouldn't be work, as it's already designed... it's just... not right, yet. Soon, though. *yawns... stretches, gloriously naked, scrubbed and sparkling from head to toe, her hair wrapped in a scrap of towel* Baths are GOOD things, sometimes.
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