In Which our Hero Is Nearly Out Of Vicodin
Previous - this entry written on December 02, 2001 at 3:32 pm - Next
Woohoo!Solstice invite is finished... if you know me well and are in/going to be in Portland on the 22nd, email me and I'll send ya the link - it's an online invite, of course. Grr, you are, of course, auto-invited... ditto your household. Same applies to Scotticus, Kenji, Juliet, Tarma, etc... if I'm forgetting you it's cos I am on vicodin, email and bug me! *hugs to the world* Seriously, today is Sunday. I am quite unhappy about this because right now, I have exactly FOUR vicodin left and they have to last me until Monday afternoon. Not good. I also have four codeine left, and advil-which-upsets-my-stomach, and cold-and-flu meds which might at least distract me, and alieve which I have not taken in a while so can take again... but most of those are just asprinstuff - they work poorly at best. *sigh* Still, I'm sure I will get through this, just like I got through the last few times... with intense pain and much pouting. ^8^ I'm not lookin' forward to tonight.
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