Lesson One
Previous - this entry written on February 10, 2002 at 7:04 pm - Next

It's all about emotion.

You've got to find words that show how you feel, what you think.

Somewhere inside, there's something going on... pain? Frustration? Hope? Desire? Lust? Fear? Whatever it is, that's what you've got to find a way to show. If you can't communicate, if you can't find some way to express what you're going through, then you're not doing it right.

Sincerity, honesty, this is something that CAN be faked but you'll find that faking it is a bad idea. Like any other habit, it'll get you in trouble... because even when it's just text on a screen, your mood, your emotions, CAN come through...

...and if nothing's coming through, any trust you're trying to earn and any effect you're trying to have might as well be hot air balloons for all the luck you'll have pinning it all down.


That one can't be stressed enough.

And words... gods, there are so many words in the world. How do you know what to choose?

Think of it as writing a story, a poem, a song... you want words that convey your mood. Words that flow. Begging is beauty, art, it is everything that normal conversation dreams of being. It's precious because it takes concentration. It takes effort. It sure as hell isn't some easy-peasy simple thing, not until you've had a LOT of practice, and even then sometimes the words just won't come and all you can do is cry and hope.

It's not pleasant.

Get that little misconception out of the way RIGHT NOW.

Begging is verbally ripping out your heart and your mind and your soul and offering them up on a platter. It's revealing everything you want to hide. It's being so honest that it hurts.

And yeah. Some people enjoy it at times... but some people enjoy being beaten at times. Some people enjoy hot wax at times. It's a 'thing'... either you like it or you don't.

The point of it isn't that YOU like it.

The point is that whoever you are begging to, that they like it. That it amuses and pleases and satiates them.

So how do you know where to start?

You don't. That's the key. You never really know where to start, what to say. It's a tightrope you're walking, words on this side, words on that side, but say the wrong thing and you fall so far and so fast that if you ever regain your balance you'll be lucky indeed.

Sometimes it's almost simple... all you need is a 'please'.

Sometimes it'll take paragraphs and paragraphs, careful speech and the knowledge that if you don't find the right words, if you don't say the right thing, something important will be lost, or something horrible will happen.

Usually it's somewhere in between.

Music helps.

Tears help.

Whatever it is you're feeling, show it.

Whatever it is you want or need, explain it. Justify it.

Whatever it is you experience, share it.

'Cause here's the real key:

You know you're doing it right if the other person is crying too.

When you can tell that your pain, your fear, your frustration or anger or misery or need or desire, when you can tell that they feel it, that's when you know you got it right.

Screw all the forms. Third-person, careful capitalization, titles and tenses... fuck it all.

Emotion. Sensation. Meaning.

Those are so much more important...


Lesson One, or something like that.

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