In Which our Hero Has A Linkfest
Previous - this entry written on October 19, 2001 at 8:07 pm - Next

For the record, Arrasto, you so kick ass, cold or not. *wry grin* You're the only person I know who makes me feel ok about sniffling, and I'm damned if I know how you do it. If you ever run into my boys, teach 'em, please? It's a useful skill.

Just got done watching Buffy... in case anyone hasn't noticed yet, I am a Buffy fan. If you don't know what Buffy is, welcome to Earth, and please enjoy your stay... how's the weather on planet Weembo this year?

Buffy The Vampire Slayer.

And Willow, who is dreamycute, and Spike, who is just drop dead delicious, and Xander, who is cute in a clumsy sort of way, and Buffy herself, who is hot hot HOT, and there's Angel, who was interesting, first season and second season but then became a wimp... erm... sorry.

Slightly obsessed.

Not quite as bad as Juliet gets, but damned close, and I can completely understand her point of view... btw, she's the person who introduced me to Buffy, so you can blame her. *grin*

Seriously, I LOVE the show... it's hilarious, dramatic, it's got cool costumes and great scenes and sets, it's all-in-all a well-spent hour, as much as any hour of TV-watching can be well-spent... gods, did I use enough hyphens there?

*has to pause and ask Caleb to make sure that the little minus sign thingies are also called hyphens, is on a LOT of cold medication*

I've been forgetting the date... I keep thinking it is Monday. Can't imagine why. Maybe because it's usually only Mondays that bite this much.


Anyway... stuff to do.

Write up info for her.

Send him and her to a specific portion of my other site that can be found here.

Talk to Slash - subheadings under this include get my keyboard so I can finally play again, talk to Megan, and try to remember that I am NOT allowed to drink Kool-Aid right now.

Call my mother. I could do that one tonight, right now, in fact... I might do that once I've posted this. *shrugs*

Start answering some of those ad responses that I actually WANT to answer... there's several that deserve, if nothing else, a polite no and a thank you for the time they took on their letters... it's nice to know there are some good and normal people out there, not just Freaks and Evil People.

Figure out why I am so determined to fill today's current entry with odd links, some of which have nothing at all to do with what I'm talking about, but most of which do, fortunately.

I've just asked Cal if he knows of any good links, and he suggests this, this, and this... and of course Sluggy, but you've already seen that, RIGHT?

...just for the record, I have NO idea what those three sites are. *huge grin* Well, I know roughly what they are cos he told me, but I've not been to them. It just seemed amusing to find more links.

I'm done now.

Really I am.


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