Need I Say More?
Previous - this entry written on September 12, 2001 at 2:26 pm - Next

Dehan says:


Alex says:

*pounce and hugs*

Alex says:

But some bad news...

Dehan says:

*hugs you back, laughing* I'd expected as much... it was too pleasant a day.

Alex says:

And I know how you're going to react and I feel like all I'm doing is reinforcing a bad opinion of my reliability, all due to circumstances beyond my control.

Alex says:

Basically, we have one person at the shop - I have to run down and help him close. I wish I'd never gone now, because if I hadn't known, I wouldn't have to do this.

Alex says:

On the other hand, I did come running all the way back home, simply so I wouldn't disappear without trace.

Dehan says:

*shakes his head, nuzzling you* You were here today... that went quite a distance to convincing me that you're at least trying. Work comes before play... I can't say I'm happy about it, and I AM glad that you came back long enough to tell me. *hugs you tightly*

Alex says:

I'd give anything to stay here with you instead.

Dehan says:

*presses a paw to your lips* Shh. Get back to work, you... if you've the energy when you get back home, write an email, or at least hop on to get a good-night hug. If not... then I'll see you when I see you next. *smile*

Alex says:

I will have the energy ... I'll come and see you as soon as I get home in about three hours time.

Dehan says:

*grins* I'll be here, hopefully... although I've got to get a few errands run before 5 and I've yet to have more than a bowl of cereal.

Alex says:

I'll wait and, if not, I'll write.

Dehan says:

*nuzzles you gently, whiskers dancing over your fur* I'll be thinking of you. *hugs*

Alex says:

Jax ... silly words are threatening to erupt, encouraged by current state of frustration at not being able to be with you.

Dehan says:

Grr: Hey, you named a flavor after Jax... does this mean she can be our flavor-of-the-month?

Alex says:

*laughs* Flavour of the decade, if you like.

Dehan says:

*chuckles* Let them erupt, I'll enjoy them and hold onto them while I'm missing you tonight.

Alex says:

And definitely my favourite.

Alex says:

Really? They sound a trifle foolish...

Dehan says:

*somehow manages once again to snuggle closer* They always do. And matter all the more for it.

Alex says:

Ludicrous even considering time and distance.

Dehan says:

The simple fact that they seem so foolish shows that you wouldn't say them if you didn't mean them... you don't strike me as the type to spout meaningless bits of verbal fluff.

Dehan says:

Not unless you're IC, anyway. *grin*

Alex says:

All right ... I think I might possibly think I love you ... there were meant to be three but some more slipped in.



...need I say more?

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