I Am NOT A Fan Of Mondays
Previous - this entry written on January 13, 2003 at 8:06 am - Next

In answer to an old friend: under the stars, under the moon, and every now and then under the sun as well, as the mood strikes. I've lost a lot of my subbie tendancies, and the few that are still an essential part of me are kept safe in the realm of private play, fantasy, and in the hands of a VERY few trusted friends. *slight smile*

...and yes, I miss them at times.

However, there are other things I miss much, much more right now, have been missing for quite some time. One of them involves simple communication: talking, online or on the phone or if at all possible in person, to my boys. I'd told Kadin to write an entry, and I am rather pleased with the result. One of the reasons I treasure him is that so often, he knows what is needed. I'd not told him what to write, told him only that I expected something specific.

He wrote of loneliness.

Which, since much of what I'd wished to see was how he was feeling, what was hurting him the most right now... yeah. There are a few other things I was looking for, small details that I will not go into, and they are there, ready and pleasing.

Speaking of pleasing. *blinks a bit* Torian... among many things, Torian has been as neglected as everyone else, the last few weeks and even months. This has got to change. I miss hearing him speak, hesitant and tripping over the words, little half-breaths and those long pauses where I can see him curled up, almost smiling. I miss a lot of things right now, yes.

Things to do, things to do, so many things to do. There's a link up there to the clinic I will be going to soon. Yes, if you're easily offended, or feel strongly about abortion (specifically, that it's bad), you should NOT go to this link. On the other paw, if you'd like some idea of where I'll end up for two days... yeah.

Still trying to figure out how I'll get a ride there-and-back, since on the day of the procedure it is required that I have a ride PRESENT. I'm going to ask Lani perhaps, or Jamie, and see if that might work... if not, try to beg a ride from Grr. *hopes hopes hopes* It's only a few-hour thing, not an all-day thing.

Hrm. Must go make phone calls, cancel appointment today, try to decide if I should have this out with my mother over the phone or in person... *twitches*

This is so very NOT my idea of a fun day, but then, when are Mondays ever fun?

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