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What Once Was
Sometimes looking backward can be just as useful as looking up...

February 28, 2004
...and she said: Ghosts of the past...

February 28, 2004
...and she said: Dizzy, dizzy, spinning 'round...

February 27, 2004
...and she said: Vision Quests (and bathrooms)

February 27, 2004
...and she said: A Surprising Hallucination

February 27, 2004
...and she said: ...just in case...

February 27, 2004
...and she said: Most of the world can ignore this.

February 26, 2004
...and she said: Alone is horrible, and yet I'm still not alone enough.

February 26, 2004
...and she said: Briefly, With Regret And Longing

February 26, 2004
...and she said: And yet MORE lemmings...

February 26, 2004
...and she said: I'm blue...

February 26, 2004
...and she said: An EVIL lemming!

February 25, 2004
...and she said: Cryptics 'R Us? *smirks at the universe*

February 25, 2004
...and she said: A long and complicated way to say "music is teh BEST!!!1!"... or something like that.

February 23, 2004
...and she said: Hate hate hate hate hate lice!

February 22, 2004
...and she said: Lice.

February 22, 2004
...and she said: Just another fragment of someone's life... mine, in this case?

February 22, 2004
...and she said: Wolfie Food!

February 22, 2004
...and she said: Standing on the edge...

February 22, 2004
...and she said: Wishes

February 21, 2004
...and she said: Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me

February 21, 2004
...and she said: Why the hell did wel all go off together anyway? I think it was extra credit for something...

February 21, 2004
...and she said: Lots of the owfuckthing, yes.

February 21, 2004
...and she said: Here's a pretty puzzle...

February 20, 2004
...and she said: This is not my dream...

February 20, 2004
...and she said: Some Of The Best Things In Life Are Certainly NOT Free

February 20, 2004
...and she said: *falls over laughing*

February 20, 2004
...and she said: Pleasantly Unsurprised

February 18, 2004
...and she said: And still...

February 18, 2004
...and she said: Another pair of anti-boxers.

February 18, 2004
...and she said: Today is the day of Brief Postings!

February 18, 2004
...and she said: Incidental Destruction

February 18, 2004
...and she said: Sm0t is winning...

February 18, 2004
...and she said: "A Direct Descendant"

February 18, 2004
...and she said: -

February 18, 2004
...and she said: *looks sheepish*

February 18, 2004
...and she said: Still female, apparently...

February 18, 2004
...and she said: P.S.

February 18, 2004
...and she said: Each time I take a step toward you, you step away...

February 18, 2004
...and she said: Longer Than Intended, Shorter Than I'd Like

February 18, 2004
...and she said: Really, Elizabeth!

February 17, 2004
...and she said: Ohana?

February 17, 2004
...and she said: And I STILL have a headache.

February 17, 2004
...and she said: ...and to think, I nearly went with my mother.

February 16, 2004
...and she said: Dehan is so pleased...

February 16, 2004
...and she said: A rather impressive (or pathetic) lemming...

February 16, 2004
...and she said: My mother ate a banana while dancing...

February 16, 2004
...and she said: Brief

February 15, 2004
...and she said: Still, I Taste The Ocean

February 15, 2004
...and she said: *poing*

February 15, 2004
...and she said: Sweet Jane

February 14, 2004
...and she said: ...I want a sweet roll!

February 14, 2004
...and she said: Ok, so I'm easily amused this morning.

February 14, 2004
...and she said: ...was it something I ate last night?

February 13, 2004
...and she said: hey hey

February 13, 2004
...and she said: OMG WTF PALISADE HACKER

February 13, 2004
...and she said: Looking Out From The Madhouse

February 13, 2004
...and she said: Brief Flurry

February 13, 2004
...and she said: She Talks To Angels

February 13, 2004
...and she said: ...know when to fold...

February 13, 2004
...and she said: Ryan! Important!

February 13, 2004
...and she said: *pouncelick*

February 13, 2004
...and she said: Penbic Iameter? Meter and Tempo? Bite my arse, more likely.

February 12, 2004
...and she said: I prefer the brick, actually.

February 12, 2004
...and she said: geh, I feel aweful

February 12, 2004
...and she said: also, the trackball sticks

February 12, 2004
...and she said: I haven't taken anything yet. WTF?

February 12, 2004
...and she said: Oh, the directions said turn LEFT...

February 12, 2004
...and she said: Melding

February 12, 2004
...and she said: Evil in the WORST way.

February 12, 2004
...and she said: Early Morning, With Wet Hair And Hope

February 11, 2004
...and she said: Quickie

February 11, 2004
...and she said: Breaking The Ice

February 11, 2004
...and she said: Vicodin Withdrawal Information

February 11, 2004
...and she said: Locked In A Cage, Reprise

February 11, 2004
...and she said: Ava Adore

February 11, 2004
...and she said: GODS I'm tired.

February 11, 2004
...and she said: Lemming Muffins! ...or muffin lemmings?

February 11, 2004
...and she said: Techie Quickie

February 11, 2004
...and she said: Not Collective Exactly...

February 10, 2004
...and she said: Beautiful Girl... don't pay no attention to me

February 10, 2004
...and she said: Heh... Banananananana

February 10, 2004
...and she said: And I reply...

February 10, 2004
...and she said: One Potato, Two Potato, Three Potato... Floor?

February 09, 2004
...and she said: Polish Sausage, Perhaps?

February 09, 2004
...and she said: Apology and A Polish Guy

February 09, 2004
...and she said: Hehehe... the Moths...

February 09, 2004
...and she said: Hehehehehe SQUIRT!

February 09, 2004
...and she said: Elephants are more useful than this entry.

February 09, 2004
...and she said: Yet Another Lemming, this one via Bug

February 08, 2004
...and she said: Yet Again

February 08, 2004
...and she said: Harakiri, harakiri

February 07, 2004
...and she said: Orange Cappuccino

February 07, 2004
...and she said: Pleased Jax

February 06, 2004
...and she said: Maybe a fear of preachers speaking in Elvish...

February 06, 2004
...and she said: It's even in English!

February 06, 2004
...and she said: Actually...

February 06, 2004
...and she said: ...'cos I can't remember.

February 06, 2004
...and she said: Mock_The_Stupid rocks my world!

February 06, 2004
...and she said: Wheeee! Early-morning hyper-alert eager and excited Jax!

February 05, 2004
...and she said: My GOD... but not hers.

February 05, 2004
...and she said: Decisions, Decisions...

February 04, 2004
...and she said: Lemming Goodness

February 04, 2004
...and she said: Linkish goodness

February 02, 2004
...and she said: Just... yeah. Interesting.

February 02, 2004
...and she said: Moving is hell.

February 01, 2004
...and she said: Boygasm!

February 01, 2004
...and she said: Desire Renewed

February 01, 2004
...and she said: Goddammit, I was hoping that maybe major stones like this had stopped coming.

------ 2001 -

March, and All Things Therein
April, Illness and Hopes
May, Sick to My Soul
June, Preparation and Reparation
July, Freedom and Lack Thereof
August, and The Loss Of Me
September, Low Blood Sugar and High Self Esteem
October, Struggling With Submission
November, Holidays and Kidney Stones
December, A Transition of Sorts

------ 2002 -

January, California Dreaming
February, Boys and Girls and Me
March, Jax On The Titanic
April, Things CAN Get Worse
May, Dyverwho?
June, In Which OHP Seems To Win
July, The Month Of The Tygrrr
August, Fragmentation And Fear
September, A Recovering Girl
October, Flaws Become Obvious
November, When Things Fall Apart
December, Discovering A Norse Tiger
(or When Holidays Attack)

------ 2003 -

January, Moving And Madness
February, Beaverton Blues
March, (Y'know, this one just doesn't stand out in any useful title-ish way, so I'm just going to blather here for a ridiculous amount of space because I can. Hey, that would make a great title!) Because I Can
April, Someone Is Playing Whack-A-Mole With My Brain
May, Already Too Much Heat
June, Rediscovering An Old Friend
July, Summer Storms
August, In Which I Am Pathetic
September, Preparing For Holiday Season
October, No Pie For Jax
November, And All Things Offline
December, The Big Snow

------ 2004 -

January, As We Turn Over A New Leaf
February, The Dance Of... What, Again?
March, Oppression In The Oddest Places
April, In Which We Are Very Forgetful
May, Last Straws And Long Meaningful Glances
June, California Ho!

------ Here There Be Dragons -

From here, I got lazy; the time in California blurred into one long, strange dream and I only awoke recently. I'm going to condense it into years, or segments, or something; months are no longer clearly defined.

California And The Heat

Wanna get those odd rambling emails that pass for communication with me at times? Wanna know when I do a major update? Wanna be a member of, as a friend so nicely put it, the Jax Fan Club or whatever the hell it is? Then join the bloody list, dammit!

Gimme a working email address:

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