Reaching For The Bed
Previous - this entry written on September 25, 2001 at 12:59 pm - Next

I ended up going to visit Vicki last night, after watching the very-first-ever Buffy episode and, of course, the first episode of this season's Angel... much fun. I really am a Buffy addict, if you haven't seen that series you should.

Anyway, Grr's doctor had told her to pick up some over-the-counter sleeping pills (but if you were clever and read her diary you'd know that) and she had 64 of 'em... I took two. She took one.

I don't really remember why I took two, other than that I wanted to reassure her that they were safe. I've 'done the sleeping pill thing' before and it never works on me... at least, that's what I said. And then I passed out. *wry grin* I got woked up by a toddler, but went back to sleep a lot, BARELY got up around 11:30, crawled out the door, and made my way home.

This became quite exciting.

See, it is raining something fierce right now. Normally, the rain's a good thing... we need the water, and it keeps things all nice and cool. However, the little silver car has next to NO traction... very icky. So I'm slipping and sliding everywhere, and it does not help in the slightest that the pills seem to still be somewhat in effect. I'm dizzy and drowsy and trying to get home... eh.

However, I wasn't the only one slipping about, so I'm fairly sure that the roads really were aweful. This comforts me somewhat.

My plans for today: I'm going to bed. I know, it's 1:00 in the afternoon and most people are up and about by now, I know I've things to do... but dammit, I'm still very very tired and there is a bed nearby.

Not, sadly, a Caleb-occupied bed... he took the van before I got back (although not all that long before I got back) to run errands and so forth. Perhaps when he returns I'll get some snuggles.

Alex is, in theory, going to be online today. However, I have learned that Alex-online is something rare, and not to be counted on, so I'm not going to let it interfere with my sleep. If I wake up to hear him logging into messenger, great. If not... *shrugs* ...then I will be kicking myself when I DO wake up, actually. I've missed him.

Kadin thinks he might have a lead on getting Visa approval for coming back to the 'States... this is a good thing. With any luck, he'll come visit around OryCon time (middle of November, for anyone else who is interested). I'm looking forward to it... I need my boy back here.

Anyway. Sleepy Jax. Bed.

I'll be headed onto ICQ once I'm awake again... but for now, this is the extent of my communication efforts. *wry grin*

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