Wearing A Round Skirt, Thank You
Previous - this entry written on October 12, 2001 at 7:12 am - Next

So I've finally thrown together a new set for my other other page... one benefit of constantly NOT finding good graphics for BF is that I seem to be supplied with a plethora of second-bests... incidentally, Sin, if he or you happen to see any that I've done and you say to yourself "Hey, THAT is exactly what we wanted, how come she's using that somewhere else..." the answer would be: 'cos I had NO clue it was perfect.

So bash me over the head with an email and I will recapture it and turn it over to you. *grin*

Anyway... updated graphics. Fought with Javascript for a good half an hour, and then Caleb looked over my shoulder and pointed out the obvious things I had been missing. Boy, do I feel sheepish. *makes baaaaa-ing noises and turns all fluffy*

Caleb is in bed now, and I am up... since the office where I have a walk-in appointment opens at 8:00 and it's about 7:15 now, I am figuring I will just stay up, go get a shower, and mosey on over there around 8:15, bein' all productive and morning-like... there's no need for them to know that I just haven't gone to bed yet, right? *wry grin*

What appointment is this, you ask? Ehh... OHP. Oregon Health Plan, the health care for those of us who are broke and do not live in Canada but live in Oregon, instead. I asked about food stamps - I HATE it, I've never used them before in my life... but money is getting very tight here and if I don't find some way to contribute, we're going to either starve or freeze this winter, and if I can chip in for food... that's a bit more money to pay heating bills.

So yeah. Asked about food stamps.

Turns out, if you want food stamps, life gets VERY complicated, all tangles of paperwork and mass income and I have to get all this goofball information from Caleb 'cos I live with him... gah.

It's just nuts.

And they want landlord information... I don't HAVE a landlord, unless you count Robert and Deb, which I don't, cos that will do odd things to their taxes. *sigh*

The whole situation is no-win... so I'm going in tomorrow (today, now) and talk to an advice person, and if there's no simple quick way to deal with this, then fuck food stamps, just give me OHP and let me go, I NEED the medical coverage and I need it now... the food stamps can wait a little while. *sighs again*

I feel like such a sponge.

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