Hurrah for the Red, White, and Stupid
Previous - this entry written on 2001-04-19 at 2:25 a.m. - Next

This is new. I'm typing this journal entry up on a Palm Pilot with optional attached keyboard while I'm sitting in the doctor's waiting room. Amazing what modern technology can do, isn't it?

I'm going to keep updating this as I get time, working while I get government-sponsored health care. Yes, folks. Oregon IS one of the states that has licensed health care, if your income is below a certain point. Thank the gods I qualify - if I didn't, I'd be trying to pay for all of this myself and failing miserably. I can't afford to be sick even as it is... you think it would get easier if I had to pay ten tons of hosipital bills?

It's ok, though. We make up for it here with insane taxes. I made barely enough to sneeze at last year, and damned in I get enough back to do more than order a pizza and a movie. It's just nuts.

However, taxes aren't the only place we're getting shafted right now. Among other things, there's some VERY interesting sites Caleb dug up. The first one I want you to look at is, a site that documents the history of the so-called 'war on drugs' down through the years. One of the things tht caught my eye... as you read this, our wonderful government is dumping a highly mutagenic fungus onto 80% of columbia, trying to destroy the plants that produce cocain. They determined which parts of the country to bomb by saying "let's just do this to the communist portions" - again, 80%. Now, this MIGHT be almost reasonable... except for a few facts.

Firstly, the supports of the curren non-communist covernment are the HIGHEST producers of this cash crop. Most of the places they are bombing are normal farms. Second, there are NO tests that show that this crop blight fungus will contain itself exclusively to the crop it is designed to kill. If anything, they show the opposite. It mutates rapidly, and will infect most common crops. It is also highly toxic to humans - you eat a plant that has this shit on it, you get sick. BAD sick. The American government is doing this, kiddies... playing 'poison our political opponants' all in the name of the wonderful, wasteful, mythical War On Drugs.

Another point of note - Switzerland is legalizing Marijuana. Completely. If you are a Swiss citizen, you may grow, buy, sell, and smoke the stuff. It's all yours. Why? According to a government spokesperson, the amount of money they save PURELY in legal fees and in time is worth it. Here's a good qote: "No research shows that marijuana is more harmful or addictive than alcohol and tobacco," says Georg Amstutz, spokesman for the Federal Office of Public Health. How do I know about this? A site called project censored, among other places. This story was published in the european version of TIME magazine - they were not allowed to publish the story in the US. However, you can go to TIME's website and take a look at the story.

There's a nifty treaty regarding biological warfare... we, America, is in violation in three points. Columbia? One. Barely. Makes ya wonder, doesn't it? Why are we engaging in what is, effectively, biological warfare against another government and another political system... and covering it up with some cock-and-bull story about a 'war on drugs'? If anyone out there can explain this, please, let me know. I want your brain.

It makes me proud to be an American. Honestly.

That's why I want to move to Antarctica.

Also check out:

...I could keep going for a while here.

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