The best mates the universe has ever seen!
Previous - this entry written on October 17, 2003 at 10:55 pm - Next
*purrs softly, wrapping herself up in happiness and pleasure and pride, pleased nearly beyond words by the imagination and determination her boy has showed*He really does amaze me, you know... in hundreds of small ways but now particularly in one wonderful way: he is determined to please me, to obey, and he manages to do so. In one of his entries he wrote about his worry that someday he would run out of new things to do, to say, to please me. Honestly, between the fact that there are days when the simple fact that he exists pleases me and the fact that if he fails to amuse me spur-of-the-moment I will have no qualms about coming up with my own forms of kadin-involved amusement, I'm not worried in the slightest. *wry grin* Add in to that his consistant ability to indeed please me... yeah. This is not a 'thank you' to him. This is not a 'hey kadin, good job'. This is, pure and simple, me gloating over the fact that I own one of the most wonderful, pleasing, creative, willing, obedient slaves on the planet. *purrs loudly* Ehh. *shiverpurrs, relaxing a bit* At the moment I'm online (obviously), talking with Nreshan, half-watching Ryan playing Disgaea, letting the comfort of cinnamon toast and scrambled eggs and ice water settle in my stomach. I'm realizing yet again that in so many ways I am more fortunate than anyone deserves to be - good friends, food, roof overhead, 'net access, mates that... YEAH. *much shiverpurr* In a few minutes I'm going to wander off and grab some more water, curl up to watch the gaming, and hopefully get to sleep early. Sleep will definitely do me good, and honestly, my stomach is being evil enough that the lying-down part won't be too bad either. Belly-dancing stretches and warm-ups are... interesting. Definitely interesting. *huge grin* Fish, I'll be padding off now. Sleep well, oh (presumably) envious universe. *stretches again, purring quite proudly, and departs*
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