Whining About Lack-Of-Sleep
Previous - this entry written on January 04, 2003 at 6:11 am - Next

OK, this is just getting silly.

It's past 6:00 in the morning, I am Dead Tired, and can't sleep. Why? 'Cause the only real BED available is also occupied by someone who - and I do mean this literally - snores loud enough to make the windows rattle. I know he can't help it, I know it's not something done on purpose, and I know that every time he snores particularly loud, it wakes me up/stops me from falling asleep... and when it happens four or five times in less than ten minutes, the noise alone sets off my stomach bigtime.

Yes, I just got done throwing up. No, I'm not exactly thrilled about this. All I know is that this is slowly starting to bug me a LOT, due to the bit where being over here is the best possible thing for my health... except for the lack of sleep. Technically I do get sleep, some of it, during the day. Hard to keep sleeping during the day though when all my friends are up and about and often doing things, occasionally going to movies, or out for lunch/dinner, or playing games they know I wanted to play, and so they wake me up every hour or three to ask if I want to participate in the latest activity.

Which, of course, I bloody well DO. It's just that I need sleep too.

At this rate I'm going to end up asking Joe if I can crash on the couch down in the basement. It's more comfy than Grr-couch, or I'd just stay with Grr of nights.

Heh - just figured out WHY Snow didn't call, it's been corrected, and I will likely end up talking with him tomorrow. I'd have rathered it was today as originally planned, yes, because most of my day was spent more-or-less free... but tomorrow - err, technically today, now - will do. Any port in a storm, neh?

Heh. Small boy asleep. It's nice to see him sleeping soundly... makes me miss him. See, of all my loves, he's the easiest to sleep with, for one very simple reason: he does ANYTHING I don't like or that wakes me up or annoys me or whatever, and I can push him out of bed, whap him onna head, lock him in a cage, whatever it takes to get the sleep I need. *smile* I rather LIKE being able to do that.

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