Stupid mariachi horn... I shall hunt you down and strangle you!
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Never let it be said that I didn't go the extra mile, as my mother would put it... then again, she might also call it stupid, or a suicide attempt, or good medicine management, or a horde of other phrases... horde. *snickergrin* Specifically a silver one. I need more Terry Pratchett books, I do I do. Ooh, that's what I was going to do!

No, that comment had nothing to do with Pratchett but everything to do with presents. Part A would be my wishlist: dip inks, glass dip pens, sharpies, gelpens, and other such ink-ish things; Terry Pratchett books or books in the Anita Blake series; ...err, that's it, actually. Drawing tools and materials that can be used on skin - no pencils, they're pretty much useless for me - and books. Yes, this year I'm almost painfully easy to shop for. *wry grin*

I've got Ryan's present, I've got Becca's present (I bought her d-land Gold membership for a year), I'm still looking for somewhere to buy Caleb's and I'm trying to save enough to buy Kadin's. *shruggles* The only other people I'm trying to get pressies for are Grr, Deb, and Bink. Anything else is bonus.

Yes, I hate being broke. Which, now that I think about it, is a great lead-in to Part B. While we were trying to find something/somewhere other than Shari's last night Ryan, Becca, and I ended up having a very odd conversation. I don't remember most of it but I DO remember that I'm going to start advertising my services and therefor perhaps getting cash. What services, you ask? (or at least you would if you could ask me while reading this) ...simple. I'm going to offer to scream and break things for people. See, a lot of people when they get stressed want to scream, or throw a few dishes around, or whatever. However, most of these people end up feeling guilty and miserable if they do so. I figure I can buy up some cheap-ass plates and such at thrift stores and get paid for screaming and breaking things where they can watch and listen, kind of like a whipping-boy except there's no whips and I'm female. *blinks*

It would not surprise me in the least if people started paying me on a regular basis to do this, since it is a monumentally stupid idea. No, I have no faith in humanity. Never have, never will. Just because I notice society's/humanity's habits and quirks and - face facts here - the predictability of it all... doesn't mean I LIKE those traits. I keep wishing that humanity as a whole would do something visibly GOOD for a change.

That's me, Optimist Prime.

Or something.

*pads off, hoping she can get back to sleep soon*

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