Heh. Popes.
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It's going to be a new year soon.I'm going to have resolutions, certainly. Most of them involve the whole 'new leaf' concept. I don't know if I'll ever say much about them. New Year's Resolutions seem easier to keep if I'm the only one aware of them. *shrug* I want. I wish. I dream... my hand falls to my side and for a split second I am surprised there isn't a head there. My gaze drifts past the people I'm in a room with, looking for something I know I won't see. I've been whining about this all year, and I think it's about time I stop. In the next room, people are loudly discussing Dischordianism. In my head, I am discussing the past few years. In the only place that matters, I know, KNOW, that love is real. That's all. Happy New Year.
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