Not going to scream. Screaming bad.
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Yep. Definitely time to get drunk. Not enough cash in the bank to get anything, despite a rather intense arguement with myself I'm apparently still feeling odd enough about it that even if he DID do as I asked and called me this morning (my bet is, sadly, that he won't - the odds of him checking his fucking text messages on his cell phone are slim to none and even if he DOES check them, I'd bet that he still won't actually call until later in the day, can I just say that this annoys me?), and hey, it's starting to hurt bad enough to make me want to slit my own throat.Whee. Thank the gods for cheap vodka; yes, I know that getting drunk isn't a great idea healthwise. Just at the moment, I have successfully outvoted the portion of myself who actually cares. If I don't post again by, oh, noon, likely I'm at the ER. Again. So very whee.
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