The Missing Spice
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For those of you who have not yet seen it, check out "Paprika", the most amazing, insightful, astonishing, insane, overwhelming, awe-inspiring anime to hit the streets since "Akira". Yes, that deserved to be in bold. Seriously. WATCH THIS MOVIE. I know most of you download films, or rent videos, or hell, have On Demand. Go. Find this movie. Watch it. Watch it twice, you won't catch everything the first time. Watch it three times. Or four. Or seven. I just watched it for the eighth time this afternoon and I'm looking forward to my ninth viewing sometime tonight.The music... gods, the MUSIC in this film is incredible. If it doesn't get some serious awards I'll be stunned. I just... wow. I've been left speechless every damn time I hear some of the songs and the images in the movie are so... so RIGHT... gah. Words fail. Go. Watch. Life goes on; is developing slowly, and should be quite ready by 4/20, yay! My back is in less pain now that the weather's warming up again. I even cooked breakfast today. Mind you, I also have only been awake for all of about six hours total today, so clearly I'm not quite recovered yet, but hey, I'm making a good attempt. Catch you all later. *pads off*
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