Twin Dark-Furred Beauties
Previous - this entry written on October 24, 2002 at 9:39 pm - Next

Such a pretty world it is, with that little scrap of pathetique gone from my head. Pretty... visions of a matched pair of pets dancing deep within my thoughts.

Leopards, two of them, male, strong, each of them two years old. Well-trained, for their age... not surprising, they learned from two before them, and those from two before. Pretty creatures, those cats. Marco and Orion. The two older ones, Char and Mick, have their own hunting grounds, and their own mates, in the forest behind the House. They've been set free, and only rarely do they bother hunting down humans...

...and when they do, they unerringly choose runaway slaves. Convenient.

Marco and Orion aren't nearly so picky yet, nor are they as content with animal flesh. If they're let alone for too long, they'll happily take a chunk out of the nearest male.

Yes, male. One of the few commands so neatly implanted into their bestial, hungry minds by the slim single-jeweled silver bands melded to their throats, is that females are untouchable.

Thank you, John, for that thought, that idea... although I must say an entire pard is a bit more than I need. Two tame and leashed, two more (and their two mates) wild but coming if I call... that should be plenty.

Twin cages, each with a self-filling water dish and a small door for food in the back... each cage large enough to fit both of the beautiful creatures together, if necessary... or one creature and one toy. *smirk*

Y'know... for someone as 'into' Furre stuff as I am, bestiality doesn't actually come into my world as often as one might think. But... this... these two creatures, kept as punishment as well as prize gems...


My boys... my precious, sweet boys... oh, I love them still. They are mine, and they are wonderful. But while I'm waiting for things to settle inside this fucked-up head of mine, I think that my boys will come second to the pleasure and pain I need.

I think that I'm going to ENJOY myself.

For the first time in weeks... months... without worrying first about whether or not it's best for my pets, whether it'll hurt them too much. And oddly enough, I think this WILL be best for them. If I'm not healthy, and strong, how can I take care of them? If I don't have what I need to be who I am, how can I possibly give them what THEY need?

*amused* No, that's not WHY I'm doing this. It's after-the-fact justification.

Kadinpet... do you realize how many pictures, textfiles, I've built up now? Torian, do you have any idea how delightful some of those images you've sent me are?

*soft smile*

It's all about control, and pleasure, and satisfaction. I have control, I'm feeling pleasure... and the satisfaction is finally mine.

Been missing this.

This feeling.


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