Dazed And Dreaming
Previous - this entry written on 2001-08-21 at 6:50 a.m. - Next

I feel drugged.


Honestly, it's like watching the world slip into slow motion only every now and then someone lost a few seconds of film... and sometimes a few minutes... I'll blink and 20 minutes will have passed. I'll stare at the clock for a half-hour waiting for it to change from one minute to the next. It's all very confusing.

All I know for sure is that I've been sleeping on and off, feeling dead tired, and that I still feel tired.

My body is politely informing me that I get to spend as much of the next 24 hours as possible with my head under a pillow, my body twisted into some ungodly yet comfortable pose, and my brain on autopilot. I think it's nice of it to give me this warning at night, AFTER class, rather than during or before... I am actually rather grateful that I did not pass out in the car or end up falling asleep earlier today and missing class entirely, that would have been bad.

Instead, I get to sit here and think I'm being productive... then wake up ten minutes later and realized I dreamed my productivity... then five minutes later wake up from THAT.

I'm eyeing the cage somewhat longingly, not because it's all THAT comfortable and not because I'm in the mood to need a cage around me, but because I know damned well I can drape a sheet over it, curl up inside it, and hibernate until I feel more like a human being. This is incredibly tempting. Not to be in a cage... but to make myself a little cave and just hide out.

I revert to childhood when tired, apparently.

The main reasons NOT to hide out in the cage:

1) I don't know who will be showing up tomorrow and if the wrong people arrive... well, I'd rather not be found in a cage. It would get taken wrong, not necessarily by them even, but that nasty little switch in my head would flip... and then what? Misery.

2) Odds are good Deb will come down at some point and although I have no rational reason for this, I really don't want her to find me sleeping in the cage... or absent, which if the cage is covered, that's what it will look like.

3) Once in there, I have a definite dislike of leaving it... and I have things to do tomorrow, including talking with Daris, writing up HTML information, and laundry if I can get my lazy ass upstairs to do it.

So I'm avoiding the cage for now, singing "She's Got The Look" under my breath along with winamp in a desperate effort to keep awake, and being glad that I now have two cds of STUFF off of the hard drives.

That, for those keeping score, is over 1200 megs of stuff.

Anyway... enough of this for now.

I think I might go to bed.


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