As Willed
Previous - this entry written on June 02, 2006 at 9:39 pm - Next
I shall abide until I am spoken for...Yeah, I'm still... well, functioning about as well as can be expected. I'm recovering from the second surgery nicely, not too much pain at all, I even got lots of sleep last night. Today... photoshop, for a moment, and a lot of Chrono Trigger, and being amused by sending Torian the link to the 2000-question purity test. *grin* Photoshopwise, if you're curious, you can look here to see the latest odd thingie. *shrug* Nothing too intense, just... background noise, I guess, put into visual form. And I have two more story fragments to write up, one involving bath toys and one a... commentary, of sorts... on something from Dune. Both of them stuff, unsurprisingly. *blink* I've had a lot of very... final... masturbation fantasies of late; no, not with ME being the one dead, and no, not with actual masturbation either, since I'm not allowed to (and it hurts if I even try) but they get me off in a sense, at least mentally, y'know? Meh. I'm gonna go play more chrono trigger. Or gon IRC. Or read mock_the_stupid. Or something.
Oh, yeah, the photoshop thing? Really big. Just so you're warned.
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