I'm A Bitch, I'm A Lover... Err... And A Ferret!
Previous - this entry written on October 30, 2002 at 1:27 am - Next

Pretty boytoy...

...one of the things I am most looking forward to, about getting down to the coast, is that I'll get to talk to Torian in the same sort of timechunk that I get to talk to Kadin.

Phone call.

Whimpering, breathing, gasping, tiny little sounds that mean the world to me.

He wonders if I would still find use for him, if he stopped with his beautiful words... foolish slave.

Slave who made me proud.

Slave who entertained and amused several of my friends, who was used and tormented by Vicki, who was put on display.

Slave who made me proud.

I think that I am... content... with his training, at this point.

*slight smile*

Which means that now... now my attention turns to my other slave. My cat. Back and forth, it goes. I wish, I still wish, that they could actually cooperate enough to learn from each other, but apparently THAT only happens when I quite literally force them into it, which defeats a large chunk of the purpose of it. *rolls her eyes* For now, though...

...for now, I am content with Kadin's behavior, his actions and reactions.

Grr: Incidentally, he whimpers well.

*grins* Yes, yes he does... beautifully and sweetly, you can feel his need and his desire to please... it doesn't sound FAKED, it doesn't sound...

...it doesn't sound like he's doing it just because he thinks he is supposed to.

He does it because it comes naturally.

It's amazing, the things that can be trained into a slave... taught to come naturally... learned to behave...

...any slave's behaviors and instincts can be 'rearranged' to suit their Owner. But...

...what happens when the Owner who trained them and the person they see as their Owner aren't the same person?

*shrugs slightly*

Sorry, kind of wandering, thoughtwise. Never you mind what triggered THAT question. And no, Kadin, Caleb, Torian, that didn't refer to you. *soft smile* I've no intention of leaving you... or, for that matter, letting any other Owner get his or her paws on you.

What happens when this slave, this poor confused and VERY thoroughly trained slave, finds himself (or herself) lost in that submissive bliss because of one person... and that one person couldn't be more uncaring, more vanilla, if you dropped 'em in a Nilla Wafer factory?

*sighs slightly* Sympathy. Amusement. Worry. And this nagging fear that maybe someday I'll find someone who does that... who triggers that...

...yeah. Switch. We've been through this. There's always PART of me that answers to that trigger.

I'm talking about the Whole Thing. (Aren't you glad I can't spell enchelada?)



I think I'm getting a tad depressed now.

Amazing, that I can feel this depressed, this horny, this pleased, this curious, and this hyper all at once... then again, that WOULD be one of the joys of MPD. *smirk* A little bit of everyone, all rolled into FUN... hi.

I'm gonna go bounce off walls now.

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