Reloaded? But She's Just Shooting Blanks...
Previous - this entry written on May 17, 2003 at 10:41 am - Next

*stretches, voice soft, half-awake but reasonably content*

Gonna go see Matrix Reloaded, after breakfast-and-Vampire-game-stuff with Tom and Vallie. I'm braving Lyon's again (and believe me, I know how much of a bad idea it might be) so we can discuss the joys of Wraiths versus Ghouls, what exactly happened to my Ghoul, and so forth. It should be... hm. Not fun, necessarily, but comforting and (given my reaction to the first Matrix flick) surprisingly arousing. I'm hoping so, anyway.

I'm trying to prod myself back into gear. It seems like every day now that I spend a fair chunk of the day aroused... but that by the time Ryan's home I've settled down again and just want snuggles and sleep. *blinkblink* I am NOT a fan of this. My body is insisting that it wants to Get Laid but it won't bloody cooperate when there's an actual chance at same instead of just daydreaming. *bonks her misbehaving sex drive with the dildo that had been in the cup full of wang*


Caleb gets back from E3 tomorrow-ish and hopefully will be on the phone either late Sunday or late Monday. Oh gods, Monday is only two days away... *cringes* It never fails to surprise me just how much I dread the IV and my mother and the whole nasty package that is Mondays. At least this Monday I'll be able to get my next round of anti-seizure medication.

I'm completely out. Didn't get the before-bed one last night, and won't be getting any today or tomorrow. Monday morning will be the soonest I can possibly get 'em. *looks a bit worried* I've been pretty heavy on the amatryptaline the last couple of days, too... trying to knock myself out of those stupid depression pitfalls that keep cropping up. I suspect that after movie and pancakes and vampire and such, I'll be a bit more able to deal with life.

I'm giving Grr $100. She'd asked to borrow $200 from Ryan and myself, to be put up against our rentcosts next paycheck, and Ryan is loaning her $200... but technically $100 of that will be my money (my mother tossed cash at me for putting up with her, more or less) and I'm going to let Grr just keep it. I'm already paying less rent and buying my own food, so it's not a big deal. As I try to do always: I can't help much or often so when I can help, particularly help the people I care about, I do so happily.

Anyway again. Ryan should be getting out of his shower soon-ish, I don't know when he actually went in but the water seems to have stopped running so I should go find my shoes, pack my purse, and get ready to go. Err... slight correction, snag his backpack, pack THAT, and then go. *wry grin* He refuses to carry my purse if he can avoid it, and I don't blame him. I'll wear the backpack, and there'll be enough medication in it that (speaking from past experience) no theater manager on the planet would dare tell me to leave it in the car.

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